
Survey, documentation, and excavation projects carried out at Aphrodisias between 1999 and 2001 focused on the study of the city plan, and on the City Wall, the Stadium, the North Agora, the Bouleuterion, the Bishop's Palace, and the Basilica. Research outside the city consisted of limited excavation in three areas just northeast of the City Wall, and a brief survey of known extramural tombs and other structures. Site conservation projects included the beginning of a long-term program for the conservation of the Bouleuterion and a series of emergency repairs to the walls of the Stadium. Sculpture conservation projects continued with trial restorations of two of the Sebasteion reliefs, and the restoration and installation in the Aphrodisias Museum of two portrait statues of boxers found in the Theater in the 1970s. New finds of sculpture include seven sarcophagi from the southeast necropolis and an important Late Antique portrait head. This head belongs to the chlamydatus statue of the governor Oecumenius (ca. A.D. 400) excavated in 1965 in the north stoa of the North Agora together with its inscribed base.

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