
In order to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizas and phosphorus levels on photosynthetic capacity and enzyme activity in peppermint under different water conditions, an experiment was conducted during the 2017–2018 growing seasons. The experimental treatments comprised water deficiency at three levels (a1: irrigation after 70 mm evaporation from pan of Class A, a2: irrigation after 110 mm evaporation from pan of Class A, and a3: irrigation after 150 mm evaporation from pan of Class A), phosphorus fertilizer at three levels (without phosphorus fertilization, 25% recommended phosphorus amount, and 50% recommended phosphorus amount), and different mycorrhiza species (nonmycorrhizal inoculation, <em>Rhizophagus intraradices</em>, <em>Funneliformis mosseae</em>, <em>Glomus hoi</em>, and mixture of all three species). Results showed that water stress significantly reduced chlorophyll <em>a</em>, chlorophyll <em>b</em>, total chlorophyll, and essential oil yield, but increased the stomatal resistance of peppermint. The essential oil yield of peppermint was significantly reduced by severe water deficit (a3). However, inoculation with <em>R. intraradices</em>, <em>G. hoi</em>, and a mixture of all three species under severe water deficit, increased the essential oil percentage of peppermint by 21%, 21%, and 31.5%, respectively. Application of 50% recommended phosphorus fertilizer increased the yield of essential oil by 18.9%. In addition, menthol increased by 24.1% (highest) under a3 irrigation, using 25% of the optimal dosage of phosphate fertilizer and nonmycorrhizal inoculation. The maximum catalase and peroxidase activity was obtained in the treatment of <em>G. hoi </em>mycorrhizal fertilizer, after application of 25% recommended dose of phosphorus fertilizer and a2 and a3 irrigation.


  • Water deficit stress affects cellular turgescence, opening of stomata, photosynthesis processes, respiration and transpiration, and reduces crop yield (Bagheri et al, 2020; Darabad et al, 2020; Zhang et al, 2015)

  • The present study aimed to investigate the comparative effects of different species of mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate fertilization on photosynthetic capacity and enzyme activity of peppermint under different irrigation regimes

  • In order to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and P levels on photosynthetic capacity and enzyme activity of peppermint under different water conditions, an experiment was conducted in a split-plot design based on randomized complete block design in three replications at the research station of the Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch (46◦17′ E, 38◦5′ N, 1,360 m above sea level), during the 2017–2018 growing seasons

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Water deficit stress affects cellular turgescence, opening of stomata, photosynthesis processes, respiration and transpiration, and reduces crop yield (Bagheri et al, 2020; Darabad et al, 2020; Zhang et al, 2015). Phosphorus is crucial for plant growth and constitutes approximately 0.2% of plant dry weight; it is one of the nutrients most difficult for plants to acquire (KlimekKopyra et al, 2016). It is the second most important nutrient after nitrogen; it affects plant growth and yield and plays important roles in physiological processes such as cell division and development, energy transfer (ATP and ADP), signal transduction, macromolecular biosynthesis, photosynthesis, and plant respiration (Das et al, 2015)

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