
Virtual power plant (VPP) concept was developed to integrate distributed energy resources (DERs) into the grid in order that they are seen as a single power plant by the market and power system operator. Therefore, VPPs are faced with optimal bidding, and identifying arbitrage opportunities in a market environment. In this study, the authors present an arbitrage strategy for VPPs by participating in energy and ancillary service (i.e. spinning reserve and reactive power services) markets. On the basis of a security-constrained price-based unit commitment, their proposed model maximises VPP's profit (revenue minus costs) considering arbitrage opportunities. The supply–demand balancing, transmission network topology and security constraints are considered to ensure reliable operation of VPP. The mathematical model is a mixed-integer non-linear optimisation problem with inter-temporal constraints, and solved by mixed-integer non-linear programming. The result is a single optimal bidding profile and a schedule for managing active and reactive power under participating in the markets. These profile and schedule consider the DERs and network constraints simultaneously, and explore arbitrage opportunities of VPP. Results pertaining to an illustrative example and a case study are discussed.

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