
This paper will explore aspects of research methodology of exegesis written by Aksin Wijaya related to methods nuzuli ala Muhammad Izzat Darwazah. For that, the focus of this discussion is the methodology of his research in his own book of under title Sejarah Kenabian Dalam Perspektif Tafsir Nuzuli Muhammad Izzat Darwazah, finding out how people review mufassir. Specifically, the methodical determination of the previous his experienced has moved soon of orientation from the critical to the descriptive while facing of four books, namely: Tafsir al Hadith, 'Ashr al Nabiy wa Biatuhu Qabla al Bi'tsah, Sirah al Rasul; Suwar Muqtabasah min al Qur'an, and ad Dustur al Qur'an fi Su'uni al Hayat works of thinkers and historians. From his reading, he at least analyzes his views into two important parts, namely; 1) the interpretation method of nuzuli and the ideal concept it contains, 2) it then draws it into the realm of pre-Islamic, personal and family life of the prophet Muhammad, to the condition of the people of prophetic era through the perspective of nuzuli Izzat Darwazah exegesis. According to the reviewer, there are other research elements in writing the work of the exegesis, namely some models of research methods of interpretation at once, such as: comparative research, character research, and thematic-nuzuli research. Whereas although placed more as an overview of nuzuli interpretation, at least he invites readers, especially in Indonesia to re-read the tafsir nuzuli treasury and see which is as worthy to be developed in the turats of Islam Nusantara.


  • Tulisan ini hendak menelusuri aspek metodologi penelitian tafsir yang dilakukan oleh Aksin Wijaya terkait metode nuzuli ala Muhammad Izzat Darwazah

  • This paper will explore aspects of research methodology of exegesis written by Aksin Wijaya, is about methods nuzuli ala Muhammad Izzat Darwazah

  • The focus of this discussion is the methodology of his research in his own book of under title Sejarah Kenabian Dalam Perspektif Tafsir Nuzuli Muhammad Izzat Darwazah, finding out how people review mufassir

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Lahir dari tradisi kebudayaan dan keagamaan yang kuat di kepulauan Madura, tepatnya di Sumenep pada tanggal 1 Juli 1974, Aksin Wijaya kecil menghabiskan tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengahnya di tempat kelahiran, yaitu: SDN Cangkreng Kec. Diantaranya Program Sandwich Penelitian Disertasi Tafsir di Mesir yang diadakan oleh Depag, PPs UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, dan PSQ Jakarta pada bulan Maret-Juli 2007. Sampai saat ini selain masih rutin mengisi berbagai seminar, pelatihan, dan bedah buku di beberapa lembaga pendidikan dan organisasi sosial-keagamaan, ia juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Program Pascasarjana IAIN Ponorogo. Tentunya dengan tetap mengajar di almamater yang sama juga menjadi dosen tamu di beberapa kampus seperti salah satunya mengajar di Program Pascasarjan IAIN Kediri. Dengan meninjau pelbagai pendidikan dan pengabdiannya, tidak begitu mengagetkan ia pernah terpilih menjadi Dosen Teladan ke-2 Nasional pada Desember 2015 yang diadakan oleh Kemenag RI di bidang Islamic Studies.[11]. Wahyu sebagai pesan otentik Tuhan masih memuat keseluruhaan pesan Tuhan; kedua, al-Quran sebagai wujud konkrit pesan Tuhan dalam bentuk bahasa Arab oral memuat sekitar lima puluh persen pesan Tuhan; dan ketiga, mushaf Uthmani sebagai wujud konkrit pesan Tuhan dalam bentuk bahasa Arab tulis pula hanya memuat kira-kira tiga puluh persen pesan Tuhan.[13]

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