
Plants employ a large number of receptors localizing to the cell surface to sense extracellular signals. Receptor-like proteins (RLPs) form an important group of such trans-membrane receptors, containing an extracellular domain which is involved in signal perception and a short cytoplasmic domain. In contrast to receptor-like kinases (RLKs), RLPs lack a cytoplasmic kinase domain. How intracellular signaling is triggered downstream of RLPs upon perception of an extracellular signal, is therefore still poorly understood. Recently, the RLK SOBIR1 (Suppressor Of BIR1–1) was identified as an essential regulatory RLK of various RLPs involved in plant immunity against fungal pathogens.1 Given that SOBIR1 appears to be a crucial component of RLP-containing complexes, we aimed to identify additional proteins interacting with SOBIR1. Here, we report on the immunopurification of a functional Arabidopsis thaliana (At)SOBIR1-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion protein stably expressed in Arabidopsis, followed by mass-spectrometry to identify co-purifying proteins. Interestingly, and in line with various studies showing interaction between RLPs and SOBIR1, we discovered that AtSOBIR1 interacts with AtRLP23, an RLP of which the function is currently unknown.

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