
Arab nationalism has reacted against Western policies which affected adversely their national interests; Arab attitude in the cold war has been affected by its conflict with the West over colonialism and Zionism; in its policies toward the Arab world, the West has shown a lack of awareness and respect for Arab sovereignty and nationalism. These are the reasons that in the cold war conflict the Arab countries have viewed the cause of the West with distrust. They explain the evolution of Arab policy from unconcern and indifference, to passive negative nonalignment, to active and positive neutral ity. They also explain the deterioration of the Western posi tion and the improvement of the Soviet position in the Arab world since 1955. There are signs that a more favorable Arab attitude toward the West may emerge in the future. How ever, the initiative for this transformation must come from the West, and there are factors inviting such initiative. The Arabs have shown that they are not willing to submit to Soviet inter vention in their affairs, and Arab nationalism has proved a bul wark against communism in the Arab world. If in its negotia tions the West respects the sovereignty and legitimate aspira tions of Arab countries, it will find the Arab world more ready to join the side of the West in the East-West conflict.—Ed.

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