
The subject matter of origin, genesis and history of Sri Lankan Muslim community has been debated by many Sinhalese and Tamil historians. Yet, little has been written by Muslim academics about their history, traditions, and customs. Muslim historical literature on the history of Sri Lankan Muslim community is meagre. It is often claimed that the Sri Lankan Muslim community has no chronicle of their own. They are people without a historical tradition. Sinhalese and Tamil communities have their historical and religious chronicles to trace their historical genesis in Sri Lanka and yet, it is claimed that the Sri Lankan Muslim community has no historical record or chronicle of their own to trace their roots in Sri Lanka. Yet, there are so many archaeological and historical documental evidence to confirm that the Arab traders settled in Sri Lanka from pre-Islamic period. Moreover, the Arab and Muslim settlements increased in Sri Lanka with the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Why do we need to learn about the origin and history of the Muslims in Sri Lanka today? It is very much important to do this at this time of geopolitical and regional conflict. Rohingya Muslims in Rakkan of Myanmar have been recently chased out. They have been living in that region for hundreds of years and yet, they have been chased out based on some false claims. Even though they have been living for hundreds of years, they have been now chased out of their own homes, claiming that they are migrants from Bangladesh.

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