
Apricot is one of preferable stone fruit for the producers and especially for commercial agents of the rep. of Moldova Presented data are consecrated to the breeding, selection and implementation of apricot varieties and selections. Particularly, researches concerning the adaptability to varied micro climatic conditions of lot of introduced genotypes have been demonstrated. Some of foreign varieties are interesting for the diversification of fruit qualities as well as for the amelioration program of Moldavian apricot assortment. Introduction. In three pomological zones of the rep. of Moldova there are a lot of microlocations suitable for the development of the apricot culture. Because of the good possibilities to increase significantly apricot production, as well as to get biologically and economically better apricot varieties at the Research Institute for Horticulture (Chisinau, rep. of Moldova) a systematic breeding has been conducted from 1956 till now. Results and discussion. Before 1919 in Moldova have been spread in the culture more than 20, mainly European, apricot varieties. In 1911 was recommended the first official assortment for registration, particularly Krasnoshciokii and Royale as the main ones. After the Second World War apricot occupied 10.5-14.8% of the total orchard surfaces including the varieties Krasnoshciokii – 76.4%, Ananas - 11.2%, Ambrozia – 2.1%, etc. Actively have been promoted the varieties Luizet, Maguar kaiszi, Crasnii partizan, Spitac, Smena, etc. A lot of foreign varieties have been abandoned because a weak adaptability to the local edaphical and climatic conditions of the diversified relief. Practically more than fifty years Krasnoshciokii variety had occupied 94.0%, compared to the other varieties and local biotypes. 29 new varieties and more than 27 selections were created as a result of more than thirty years of apricot breeding program which was started in 1956, and expanded after 1972 up to now based on local, European and Asiatic genitors. Actually 7 of them (Bucuria, Kishinevskii rannii, Moldavskii olimpiet, Nadejda, Detskii, Costiujenskii, Raduga) are recommended for three pomological zones of the Rep. of Moldova. From introduced varieties Erevani, CR-263 and Sirena have been registered. Fruit ripening period of the registered assortment lasts from second part of June till the first decade of August. These varieties are distinguished by high production of good quality, with the satisfactory adaptability to winter and spring unfavorable temperature fluctuations. Some of moldavian varieties are successifully cultivated in the neighbours countries. Most of them are characterized by high or medium vigor, high gustatory qualities, good combinative abilities with introduced ones. 24 varieties and new hybrids have been selected as a result of comparative investigations of agronomical, biological and productive characteristics and transmited to the State Commission for Crop Varieties Testing and Registration of the rep. of Moldova In the last years.

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