
Introduction. The paper analyzes the works of scientists on the development of competences in the researched disciplines of the information technology cycle. The distribution of competencies according to different methodologies is shown. The classification of competencies is described. The technological toolkit of a single informational and educational environment has been studied. The concept of accumulation of competences is highlighted. The purpose of thr paper is to investigate the implementation' methodology of the competence approach to the study of the information technology' cycle disciplines Results. The paper presents the main software products. The author's vision of solving the problem of information technology development in universities is presented. The competency-based approach is determined by the pan-European trend of building educational programs of higher education - Tuning and its use in the educational process of Ukraine. The study of general competencies was one of the most important tasks of the implementation of the Tuning project in the educational process. Obtaining the planned results of the educational process is facilitated by the effective organization of independent work of the discipline "Internet technology" with the use of a single informational and educational environment. In such conditions, the approach to evaluation changes. The usual setting of grades for the discipline turns into tying grades to individual competencies that the student must acquire in the process of learning. The assessment for each work becomes multi-component. It has been established that the technological toolkit of a single informational and educational environment is an effective means of assessing the level of competence formation of higher education seekers. To use it, you need to create a "Competence Repository". Conclusions. Summarizing, we can draw the following conclusions. Thus, mastering the content of the disciplines of the cycle of information technologies by students of higher education in the conditions of a single informational and educational environment allows to speed up the process of obtaining and consolidating information, simplifying its perception, mastering a large amount of educational material in a fairly short period of time. Most higher education students are happy to learn new technologies with the help of their devices, develop intellectual abilities and try to increase their level of use of Internet technologies. And teachers get the opportunity to shape the development trajectories of each student; fundamentally new opportunities for the organization of research, project activities and adaptation of educational material to real life; fundamentally new opportunities for knowledge transfer: video lectures, webinars, video broadcasts, integrated practical classes, cooperative laboratory work; online communication. Therefore, the combination of face-to-face and remote forms of education is the next evolutionary step towards providing the educational process with the properties of adaptability, flexibility, openness and mobility.

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