
In India, more than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day, and a total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year. Blood type matching is crucial for blood transfusion and blood donation. The conventional method uses blood slides, pricking needles, and blood typing kit, and takes about 15 minutes for deciding the blood group. However, in case of emergency, it is time-consuming to determine blood type using the conventional method of reagents. At blood donation camps, it is a tedious job to determine the blood group of every donor using the blood typing kit. Pricking needles and slides used can also cause infection to the person performing these tests. The main motive is to replace this tedious and time-consuming method with a non-invasive accurate and reagent free method, using an optimum wavelength light source, photo-detectors, and controller unit for decision making of blood type from output mapping or intensity matching of the scattered and transmitted wavelength from the source to detector.

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