
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic brought changes to world education thanks to the adoption of measures of social isolation; the use of digital resources proved to be the most viable immediate solution for the continuity of teaching, but there are also problems such as the need for different didactic-pedagogical strategies wieldy of motivating students and teachers. The use of webinars as a complementary communication and guidance resource has proved to be a promising tool. Issues related to living with COVID-19 that combine their discussions with high school curriculum represent an important contribution to the construction of a contextualized knowledge base and, based on this observation, this study proposed to evaluate the presence of contents in the area of ​​natural sciences and its technologies in COVID-19 webinars. A survey with the online video-sharing platform was carried out aiming to search for webinars on COVID-19 containing themes contained in the specific competences of natural sciences and their technologies for high school and how much these items were emphasized. The selection of the videos was made by analyzing what the title, keywords and their summary suggest. Biology, physics and chemistry have a great prominence and expert speakers with extensive experience in the area in which they work and great ability to expose the theme and the ability to clarify doubts have made webinars a valuable motivational approach to specific knowledge related to common national curriculum base - BNCC, as they involve community participation, in different contexts and using different digital technologies in conjunction with the contextual theme COVID-19.


  • Resumen El advenimiento de la pandemia COVID-19 trajo cambios a la educación mundial gracias a la adopción de medidas de aislamiento social; el uso de recursos digitales resultó ser la solución inmediata más viable para la continuidad de la docencia, pero también existen problemas como la necesidad de diferentes estrategias didáctico-pedagógicas capaces de motivar a estudiantes y profesores

  • Issues related to living with COVID-19 that combine their discussions with high school curriculum represent an important contribution to the construction of a contextualized knowledge base and, based on this observation, this study proposed to evaluate the presence of contents in the area of natural sciences and its technologies in COVID-19 webinars

  • A survey with the online video-sharing platform was carried out aiming to search for webinars on COVID-19 containing themes contained in the specific competences of natural sciences and their technologies for high school and how much these items were emphasized

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Ensino na pandemia demandou opções emergenciais criativas e capazes de satisfazer as novas necessidades educacionais ao tempo que se respeitava os protocolos de segurança pessoal e coletiva. Os docentes apontaram o impacto da baixa participação dos estudantes nos momentos síncronos, a obtenção de pouco feedback dos estudantes e reduzido domínio sobre o ensino remoto e os recursos digitais como dificuldades do ensino remoto destacando a carência de novas estratégias pedagógicas capazes de mitigar tais inconvenientes (Amaral & Polydoro, 2020; Silva & Peixoto, 2020). Os seminários online (webinários) ou webconferências com propósitos voltados à divulgação de conhecimentos associados a informações, orientações, cuidados e ao dia-a-dia da pandemia apresentam-se como opção de abordagem de temáticas presentes nos conteúdos formais dos planos de ensino das mais diversas etapas e modalidades da educação básica e esta é uma dinâmica que pode-se aproveitar para auxiliar no processo de elevação da qualidade do ensino remoto (Amaral & Polydoro, 2020; Dutra e Silva et al, 2020; Sandro et al, 2020). Estas competências e habilidades foram propostas pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), “um documento de caráter normativo que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais que todos os alunos devem desenvolver ao longo das etapas e modalidades da Educação Básica, de modo a que tenham assegurados seus direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, em conformidade com o que preceitua o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE)” (BRASIL, 2018) e servem de eixo norteador do levantamento das discussões em webinários sobre as competências específicas relacionadas às ciências exatas e ciências da natureza apresentadas neste trabalho

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