
Standing position in large ruminants and lateral recumbence in small ruminants have been the age-long standard restraint approaches when carrying out most surgical procedures, without recourse to the associated induced surgical stress. This study fabricated a mobile small ruminant surgical chute for standing restraint position and compares its associated haematological responses with those induced in lateral recumbence position during rumenotomy in Kano Brown goats (KBGs). Eighteen Kano-Brown goats of both sexes diagnosed of rumen foreign body impaction were allocated to groups A, B and D. Goats in groups A and B underwent rumen skin clamp fixation (RSCF) and stay suture rumenotomy (SSR) techniques respectively, while on lateral recumbency. Goats in group D underwent rumenotomy while on standing restraint in a fabricated mobile small ruminant surgical chute (MSRSC). The six other KBGs diagnosed to be free of the rumen foreign bodies did not undergo any rumenotomy and thus, served as control (Group C). Haematological parameters were assayed pre- and post-rumenotomy at 0, 5, 24, 48, 72 hours and weeks 1, 2 and 3. The mean total white blood cell counts were 11.17 ± 1.4 X 109/L, 9.63 ± 1.44 X 109/L, and 8.58 ± 0.96 X 109/L) for groups A, B, and D respectively, at 0-hour post-rumenotomy. Mean TWBC was lowest at 48 hours in group D, postrumenotomy even though the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). In conclusion, lateral recumbency restraints for Rumen Skin Clamp Fixation and Stay Suture rumenotomy versus standing restraints for Mobile Small Ruminant Surgical Chute Rumenotomy did not significantly impact on Haematology in Kano Brown Goats. This could mean that the fabrication was a success and an alternative to performing surgeries in standing restraints beside the conventional lateral recumbency restraints in ruminants.

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