
Abstract“Studying up” was Laura Nader's provocation to anthropologists to scrutinize the actions of the powerful few in relation to the ordeals of the powerless many. Engaging this lineage, this article describes CommuniVax, a rapid ethnographic research coalition supporting an equitable COVID‐19 vaccine rollout in the United States. By tapping hyperlocal knowledge as well as that held by public health and governmental authorities at higher reaches, the coalition opened the possibility for a more just pandemic response and stronger democratic institutions. The project also broke with prevailing features in the studying up tradition: It operated as a multidisciplinary collective rather than a lone ethnographer, partnered with elites rather than a priori holding them at arm's length, and emphasized pragmatic solutions over scholastic critiques. These departures embody an “applying up” modality, supporting the idea ethnographers have plural strategies for studying actors who exert strong influence over others’ lives.

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