
An Act-Think-Do-Evaluate (ATDE)-based model of teaching creativity was introduced to understand student learning status and develop an innovative instruction of design course. At present, design students are relatively lacking in creative design. This study uses descriptive statistics and t-test to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the learning styles and learning motivation of students before and after learning. The results revealed significant improvement in student learning outcomes after the design course. Students' learning mainly changed from "concrete experience" to " abstract conceptualization " in design thinking, and from structural logical reasoning to a learning method with richer imagination and understanding ability. As the results of study, the concept of "critical thinking" could be introduced into the curriculum, so that the design theory and practice can be paralleled. On the other hand, the result of learning motivation showed that students lack the spirit of active practice. The findings of the interviews also showed that the students suggested that the hours of teaching 3D software in the course could be extended, the techniques of teaching creativity model should be deepened. In summary, the results of this study can be used as strategies and guidelines for innovative teaching improvements by applying the ATDE-based model of teaching creativity into design practice courses.

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