
The Meta heuristic algorithms are the higher level technique which helps to find the best feasible solution out of all possible solution of an optimization problem. There are various different types of meta heuristic algorithms like Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization, etc. Genetic Algorithm is a search-based optimization technique based on the biological principle of Genetics and adaptation. It is a meta-heuristic approach which is used to solve complex combinatorial problem. The integration of Genetic algorithm with machine learning will be helpful in solving unconstrained and constrained optimization problem. The various genetic operator like selection operator, mutation and cross-over are discussed which will be helpful in knowing how these operators significantly improves State Space search. In this paper the various applications of Genetic algorithms which can be used in machine learning has been discussed. In this paper the author discussed how the significance of Genetic algorithm will be improved while solving complex optimization problem in machine learning. In this paper, flow diagram of Genetic Algorithms has been discussed which will ease the understanding of complex optimization problem like 0–1 Knapsack, Traveling Salesman Problem, etc. In this paper a comparative analysis between traditional algorithm and genetic algorithm has been done on the basis of parameters like flow of control, state space search, Complication, Preconditions, CPU utilization etc. The various limitations of Genetic Algorithms in solving problems with optimal solutions has also been discussed.

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