
The article presents the results of research in 2019-2020 in the south of Russia. There were 4 options for irrigation and 4 doses of fertilization to obtain a yield of 2 to 5 t/ha of raw cotton with different irrigation methods. It was found that a maintenance of the Soil Pre-Irrigation Moisture (SPIM) 75-75-70 % of Full Moisture Capacity (FMC) together with the doses of fertilizer N140P60K45 made it possible to achieve the minimum Irrigation Water Expenses (IWE) of 463 and 269 m3 and the Total Water Consumption (Water Total Consumption Coefficient – WTCC) of 664 and 456 m3 to obtain 1 ton of raw cotton, achieving the yield of 4.32 and 4.49 t/ha, respectively, with sprinkling and drip irrigation. An increase of the fertilizer doses to N175P75K56 contributed to rise of yield to 5.28 and 5.41 t/ha, simultaneously reducing IWE the to 378 and 224, and WTCC - to 543 and 379 m3/t. Compared to furrow irrigation, the use of sprinkling and drip irrigation made it possible to reduce IWE by 37.0 and 73.7 %, WTCC - by 47.4 and 63.7 %, increasing the yield of raw cotton to 38.0 and 43.5 %.

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