
Up to now machine condition monitoring has not been seriously approached by TRIZ11TRIZ= Russian acronym for Inventive Problem Solving System, created by G. Altshuller ca 50 years ago. users, and the knowledge of TRIZ methodology has not been applied there intensively. However, there are some introductory papers of present author posted on Diagnostic Congress in Cracow (Cempel, in press [11]), and Diagnostyka Journal as well. But it seems to be further need to make such approach from different sides in order to see, if some new knowledge and technology will emerge. In doing this we need at first to define the ideal final result (IFR) of our innovation problem. As a next we need a set of parameters to describe the problems of system condition monitoring (CM) in terms of TRIZ language and set of inventive principles possible to apply, on the way to IFR. This means we should present the machine CM problem by means of contradiction and contradiction matrix. When specifying the problem parameters and inventive principles, one should use analogy and metaphorical thinking, which by definition is not exact but fuzzy, and leads sometimes to unexpected results and outcomes. The paper undertakes this important problem again and brings some new insight into system and machine CM problems. This may mean for example the minimal dimensionality of TRIZ engineering parameter set for the description of machine CM problems, and the set of most useful inventive principles applied to given engineering parameter and contradictions of TRIZ.

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