
AbstractTransport Regulations rely essentially on the packaging and do not take into account the contribution to safety which may be made by other features of the operation. In some situations, mainly for routine transports not fully complying with the Regulations, it would be beneficial to envisage the possibility of using a package which does not meet all the Type B requirements, complemented by additional safety measures put in place to compensate for these shortfalls. The ‘Transport System’ concept will take into account the contributions to safety from these additional measures. It will ensure that the proposed system is at least as safe as a reference operation complying fully with the Regulations. If this equivalent safety level can be properly demonstrated, the Competent Authority will provide a ‘Transport System Approval’ for well defined shipments over a specific period. Two examples are presented. In the first case, a thermally insulated ISO container is envisaged for the transport of drums con...

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