
This study aims to apply the protocol of psychological assessment (PAP) and the SRQ-20 to analyse the psychological profile of 130 leprosy patients, in order to evaluate the incidence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD), and screen patients with higher risk of psychological distress. The following results were found in the PAP: 31.53%, 23.8% and 16.9% reported an unsatisfactory childhood, adolescence and adulthood, respectively; 31.53% are afraid of being discriminated against and 16.9% experienced discrimination. Also, 13.07% reported drastic life changes due to leprosy; 29.23% have low self-esteem, 31.53% have real fear and 22.3% have phantasmal fear. In the SRQ-20, the prevalence of CMDs was 32.3%, with the majority being female, married, with low education (primary education), low self-esteem, and with a drastic change in life. Conclusion: This is one of the few studies on the psychological profile of leprosy patients demonstrating the importance of the application of investigative technologies in psychopathological screening, aiming on adherence to treatment and psychotherapy planning. Furthermore, it provides support for reflection on the integrality of healthcare for leprosy patients and the importance of psychologists in health teams.

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