The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and channel network play an important role in understanding the geo-hydrological behavior of drainage basin and expresses the prevailing climate, geology, geomorphology, structural antecedents of the catchment. Morphometric analysis of a drainage basin expresses fully the state of dynamic balance that has been attained due to dealings between matter and energy. In the present study, morphometric analysis has been carried out using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to assess the geo-hydrological characteristics of Vishav drainage basin and an attempt has been made to identify the ground water potential zones through geo-morphometric specs. The morphometric parameters are discussed about linear, areal and relief aspects. The basin is characterized by dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. The development of stream segments in the basin area is affected by rainfall, groundwater discharge and snow melt over. The analysis has revealed that the total number and length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. The bifurcation ratio (Rb) between different successive orders varies revealing the geostructural control. The shape parameters (Rc=0.52, Re=0.15 and Rf=0.22) indicate the elongated shape of the basin and in association with some areal (Dd, Dt etc.) and relief (H, Sb, etc.) parameters show that it has low discharge of runoff, generally permeable subsoil condition, moderate to high infiltration capacity and good groundwater resource and a flatter peak of flow of longer duration that is easier to manage that of the circular basins. The study reveals that morphometric analysis based on GIS technique is a competent tool for geo-hydrological studies. These studies are very useful for identifying and planning the ground water potential zones and watershed management (including the whole gamut of natural resources connected with the basin).
Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the configuration of the earth's surface, shape and dimension of its landforms [1,2]
The study reveals that Geographical Information System (GIS) based approach in evaluation of drainage morphometric parameters at river basin level is more appropriate than the conventional methods
It is noticed that stream segments of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order traverse parts of the high altitudinal zones characterized by steep slopes, while the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th order stream segments occur in comparatively flat lands wherein maximum infiltration of precipitation occurs
Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the configuration of the earth's surface, shape and dimension of its landforms [1,2]. The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and channel network play an important role in understanding the geo-hydrological behavior of drainage basin and expresses the prevailing climate, geology, geomorphology, structural antecedents of the catchment. Hydrologists and geomorphologists have recognized that certain relations are almost important between runoff characteristics, and geographic and geomorphic characteristics of drainage basin systems. Various important hydrologic phenomena can be correlated with the physiographic characteristics of drainage basins such as size, shape, slope of drainage area, drainage density, size and length of the contributories etc. Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques are now-a-days in use for assessing various terrain and morphometric parameters of the drainage basins and watersheds, as it provide a flexible environment and an important tool for the manipulation and analysis of spatial information
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