
This study aims to determine: Knowing the application of the jigsaw learning method with online literacy in the automotive engineering basic education and training courses and knowing the improvement of student learning outcomes in the automotive engineering basic education training subject with the jigsaw learning method with online literacy. This research was conducted in two cycles. The subjects of this study were students of class X TKRO at Vocational High School Widya Kutoarjo, totaling 16 people. The aspects studied include student learning outcomes in basic automotive subjects using the jigsaw method with online literacy. The steps of data collection were carried out using the methods of observation, evaluation and documentation. The instruments used in this study were learning outcomes tests and observation guidelines. Data analysis with quantitative descriptive analysis to find the average percentage of student learning outcomes. The results of this study can be seen from the increase in the average score of student learning outcomes by applying the jigsaw learning method with online literacy based on the percentage of students who meet competency standards in the pre-cycle student learning outcomes reach 19% in the poor category. Student learning outcomes have increased in the first cycle with the percentage of achievement of 25% in the less category. Student learning outcomes increased in the second cycle reaching 88% in the good category. The achievement of competencies produced by 88% of students categorized as graduated exceeds the indicators of success with the achievement of class competence reaching 75%.

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