
The accurate localization of intracranial lesions is critical in neurosurgery. Most surgeons locate the vast majority of neurosurgical sites through skull surface markers, combined with neuroimaging examination and marking lines. This project's primary purpose was to develop an augmented reality (AR) technology or tool that can be used for surgical positioning using the naked eye. Brain models were predesigned with intracranial lesions using computerized tomography scan, and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine data were segmented and modeled by 3D slicer software. The processed data were imported into a smartphone 3D viewing software application (Persp 3D) and were used by a Remebot surgical robot. The localization of intracranial lesions was performed, and the AR localization error was calculated compared with standard robot localization. After mastering the AR localization registration method, surgeons achieved an average localization error of 1.39±0.82mm. The error of AR positioning technology in surgical simulation tests based on brain modeling was millimeter level, which has verified the feasibility of clinical application. More efficient registration remains a need that should be addressed.

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