
Chaos theory can be used for quantitative dynamics of uncertainty and finding order in its perturbances. Chaos theory is largely a colloquial notion and is referred to as an analysis of non-linear dynamical systems. The studies devoted to linear dynamical systems and theories of complexity involve studies of turbulence, or, more precisely, the transfer from stability to turbulence. The dynamical system by its nature does not follow long-term forecasts. There are two reasons for the unpredictability. Dynamical systems involve both feedback and critical levels. To paraphrase, one can say that a dynamical system forms a system of non-linear feedback. The most important properties of the system include: sensitivity to the change of the initial conditions, occurrence of critical points and a fractal dimension. Non-linear dynamical systems tend to have more than one solution. The case often is that the number of solutions is huge or even infinite. A visual representation of the data forms a finite space called the phase space of the system. The number of dimensions in the space is determined by the number of variable presents in the system. If there are two or three variables, it is possible to visually examine the data. In case of a larger number of dimensions, the data are examined with the use of mathematical data. Another term used in non-linear dynamical systems is the attractor. This is an area of a equilibrium of non-linear system within a time series. A system which aims to achieve an equilibrium in the form of a single value has a point attractor. Besides, there are phase attractors, which form periodic cycles or orbits in space forming a limit cycle. An attractor, in which none of the points in the space overlaps and whose orbits do not cross but both originate in the same area of phase space, is called strange attractor. Such attractors in contrast to point attractors are non-periodic and predominantly have a fractal dimension [10,11].

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