
Product counterfeiting is a major issue in today’s world. These days product counterfeiting leads to around 1.05 lac crore rupees in India per year. As per a report by business standard, if even 50% of product counterfeiting is stopped with authentication, monitored properly and governed, it can save 50,000 crore rupees per year in India itself, then think about whole world. This research paper is based on the use of block chain along with artificial intelligence to curb the problem of product counterfeiting and maintain the transparency. This research paper also demonstrates the use of blockchain using R studio as a platform. R is a programming language mostly for data analytics purposes. So, the implementation of blockchain in R can give a wide exposure to the data to be analyzed and suitable insights and forecasts can also be made. The research findings give a holistic picture of all the variables that affect the supply chain of E-commerce industry. This study helps the supplier side in curbing their loses and also the consumer side in receiving the genuine product that build trust among both the stakeholders


  • E-commerce has seen amazing growth in recent years

  • Artificial Intelligence means to develop an intelligence similar to a human into the machines so they can act to some situations without human intervention

  • Without human intervention there will be lesser tempering to the details which my help to control the product counterfeiting

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E-commerce has seen amazing growth in recent years. In India, it is forecasted to have a valuation of $200 billion in the year 2026 from $39 billion in the year 2017. A gateway has opened for consumers to buy products from the sellers all around the world This growth comes with some challenges, product counterfeiting & piracy are some among them. The administration has found a way to shield shoppers' health and security from perilous fakes through huge instruction endeavors Regardless of these activities, an investigation by FICCI shows that fake, theft and pirating rates stay high. The key deliverable from the paper is to understand the concept of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things to reduce the product counterfeiting & piracy. Section one provides an introduction of the E-commerce, Blockchain, AI and, how these things combined can be effective in fighting counterfeiting, piracy & outdated products which are out for sale &, increase transparency in the supply chain.

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