
Objectives: This study developed and applied a Software Education program that uses App Inventor and examined its effect in improving computational thinking among elementary schoolgirls. Methods/Statistical Analysis: We applied an educational program developed according to the stages of the “ADDIE Model” 42 times during classes held for 7 days. To examine the effect of the program, we carried out pre and post examinations using “Computational Cognition Test A, Type B” and “Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Test Type A.” The results were analyzed using the “paired sample T-test” and “Wilcoxon’s signed rank test.” Findings: We developed and used a software education program that employs the main concepts of computation thinking with a focus on everyday situations to reduce the mental and cognitive burden of learning programming on schoolgirls. By reducing the negative attitudes of schoolgirls toward software education, a statistically significant increase was seen in their computational cognition. Furthermore, they scored high on all the sub-factors related to creativity with the exception of “closure” and “titles.” In particular, “originality” showed a statistically significant increase. The educational content satisfied them, and their creativity and logical thinking improved after participating in the educational activity. Therefore, the software education program that uses App Inventor aided in enhancing computational cognition and creativity among elementary schoolgirls and improved their computational thinking. Improvements/ Applications: This study can be used for improving computational thinking among female students not only by using App Inventor but also by using various other educational programming languages.

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