
Successful clinical translation of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) can be challenging due to complex pharmacokinetics and differences between preclinical and clinical tumors. To facilitate this translation, we have developed a general pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling and simulation (M&S)-based strategy for ADCs. Here we present the validation of this strategy using T-DM1 as a case study. A previously developed preclinical tumor disposition model for T-DM1 (Singh and Shah, AAPSJ. 2015; 18(4):861-875) was used to develop a PK-PD model that can characterize in vivo efficacy of T-DM1 in preclinical tumor models. The preclinical data was used to estimate the efficacy parameters for T-DM1. Human PK of T-DM1 was a priori predicted using allometric scaling of monkey PK parameters. The predicted human PK, preclinically estimated efficacy parameters, and clinically observed volume and growth parameters for breast cancer were combined to develop a translated clinical PK-PD model for T-DM1. Clinical trial simulations were performed using the translated PK-PD model to predict progression-free survival (PFS) and objective response rates (ORRs) for T-DM1. The model simulated PFS rates for HER2 1+ and 3+ populations were comparable to the rates observed in three different clinical trials. The model predicted only a modest improvement in ORR with an increase in clinically approved dose of T-DM1. However, the model suggested that a fractionated dosing regimen (e.g., front loading) may provide an improvement in the efficacy. In general, the PK-PD M&S-based strategy presented here is capable of a priori predicting the clinical efficacy of ADCs, and this strategy has been now retrospectively validated for all clinically approved ADCs.

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