
The artificial inoculation of broiler chickens the Hisex Brown cross with a three types of eimeria, the smallest body weight loss of chickens was in the group that received the ionophoric antibiotic lasalocid with feed, anti-coccidiosis drug decoquinat and the complex phytobiotic "AdiKox AR". The use of the ionophoric antibiotic monensin and the synthetic coccidiostatic drug robenidin showed the least sensitivity of eimeria to them, which adversely affected the body weight of broiler chickens. In the blood serum of chickens taken on the 20th day after their first vaccination at one day of age with the Nobilis ND C2 vaccine by the spray method against the associated with artificial infection with a mixture of eimeria at 10 days of age and preliminary prophylactic feeding of them with drugs from different pharmacological groups, specific immunity to Newcastle the disease was unevenly distributed among the groups. The weakest group immunity was observed in the group of infected control chickens that did not receive drugs. In all groups that received supplements of chemotherapeutic agents with food, with the group immunity indicator acceptable in the vaccine instructions, there were zero individual titers. The complex phytobiotic "AdiCox AR" stimulated the production of high group post-vaccination immunity in chickens against Newcastle disease (74%) without zero individual titers. For the eimeriosis prevention and high-quality vaccination of broiler chickens against Newcastle disease at the poultry farm of the Belgorod Region, we recommend feeding the complex phytobiotic "AdiKox AR" at a dose of 300 g/t of feed for 10 days or more. The use of lasalocide and decoquinate for the coccidiosis prevention in a poultry farm is permissible with the condition of rotation and monitoring of the sensitivity of eimeria to drugs. The use of monensin and robenidin, according to the results of the experiment, is considered inappropriate.

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