
Aporie nella storia della psicoanalisi ABSTRACT: Summary. The Authors propose to think again the history of psychoanalysis following the development of a series of aporias. They are couples of opposite concepts that, arising from some puzzling questions, have recurrently appeared in the historical span of this discipline and are the matter of controversies and breaks within the psychoanalytical community. The Authors put forward a draft accomplishment of the proposed programme, crossing some key moments of the main psychoanalytic trends along the lines of the couples: real trauma/imaginary trauma; internal/external; drive/object; division/cohesion; Ego primacy/Id primacy; oedipal/preoedipal; construction/reconstruction; one-person clinic/two-persons clinic; neutrality/empathy. Consequently, an unexpected image of psychoanalysis appears: giving up the claim to erect this discipline as a monolithical construction, these aporias, unavoidable but fruitful, point out a mainly dialectical way of going on, Freud already used, i.e. a way characterized by conceptual oscillations, that are pursuing and developing sometimes a solution, sometimes the opposite one.

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