
Cancer is a major cause of death. The outcomes of current therapeutic strategies against cancer often ironically lead to even increased mortality due to the subsequent drug resistance and to metastatic recurrence. Alternative medicines are thus urgently needed. Cumulative evidence has pointed out that pterostilbene (trans-3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxystilbene, PS) has excellent pharmacological benefits for the prevention and treatment for various types of cancer in their different stages of progression by evoking apoptotic or nonapoptotic anti-cancer activities. In this review article, we first update current knowledge regarding tumor progression toward accomplishment of metastasis. Subsequently, we review current literature regarding the anti-cancer activities of PS. Finally, we provide future perspectives to clinically utilize PS as novel cancer therapeutic remedies. We, therefore, conclude and propose that PS is one ideal alternative medicine to be administered in the diet as a nutritional supplement.


  • Cancer is one of major causes of death

  • PS, a dimethylated analog of resveratrol [5], was named after a natural phenolic compound found in Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Fabaceae), which is native to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka [83] and is one of the active compounds in the extracts of P. marsupium was used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of diabetes

  • These results suggest that PS may reduce metastasis by elevating the circulating miR-17-92 cluster likely is contained in the form of exosomes [65] and inhibiting ERK-dependent polymeric assembly of FN (polyFN) assembly on metastatic circulating tumor cells (CTCs)

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Cancer is one of major causes of death. It has been estimated that around 13.2 million cancer patients will die yearly by 2030 worldwide [1]. The outcomes of these therapeutic strategies, mainly exerting pro-apoptotic effects on cancer cells, often ironically cause increased mortality due to tumor cells are transformed from normal cells have led to discoveries of clinically important. The outcomes of these therap2eouft2i5c strategies, mainly exerting pro-apoptotic effects on cancer cells, often ironically cause increased mortality due to the subsequent drug resistance and to metastatic recurrence [3]. MMeettaassttaassiiss iiss tthhee fifinnaall ssttaaggee ooff aa cchhrroonniicc pprroocceessss ffoorr ttuummoorr cceellllss tthhrroouugghh ssiiggnnaalliinngg ppaatthhwwaayyss aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh aappooppttoossiiss oorr iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ooff aappooppttoossiiss ttoo ddeevveelloopp. HHeerree,, wwee wwiillll ffooccuuss aanndd rreevviieeww ccuurrrreenntt uunnddeerrssttaannddiinnggss oonnllyy oonn tthhee mmoolleeccuullaarr mmeecchhaanniissmmss uunnddeerrllyyiinngg ttuummoorr pprrooggrreessssiioonn ttoowwaarrdd mmeettaassttaassiiss iinn ddiissttaanntt oorrggaannss ((FFiigguurree 11)),, oonn wwhhiicchh PPSS iiss lliikkeellyy ttoo hhaavvee eeffffeeccttss. GGeenneess aanndd ppaatthhwwaayyss iinnvvoollvveedd iinn tthhee ttuummoorr pprrooggrreessssiioonn ttoowwaarrdd ccaanncceerr mmeettaassttaassiiss. MMeettaassttaassiiss iiss tthhee ffiinnaallsstataggeeoof faachcrhornoincitcutmuomroprropgroregsrseiossni,osnt,arsttianrgtifnrgomfrotummtourmtroarnstrfoarnmsfaotriomnaftoiollnowfoeldlobwyeedarblyy eparrolgyrepsrsoiognrewssiitohninwthitehipnritmhearpyritmumaroyr ttuismsuoerst,ibsslouoeds,-bbolornoed-tboobrenceomtoebceicrocumlaeticnirgcutulamtionrgcteullms (oCrTcCelsl)s, (cCoTloCnsiz),actioolnoniinztaotiodnisitnantot doirsgtaannts oirngawnshiicnhwphriec-hmpertea-smtaetitcasntaicthicenhicahse bheaesnbebeunilbt,uailnt,danodutogurotgwrothwtahs asescsoencdoanrdyartyumtuomr otristsiusseus.esL. isLteisdtedarearesisginganlainligngppatahtwhwayasysaasssosocicaitaetdedwwitihth iinnttrriinnssiicc aanndd eexxttrriinnssiicc ssttiimmuullaattiioonnssffoorraappoopptotosissisanadndwwithithapaoppotopstioss-iins-dinepdeenpdeenndteancttiavcittiievsit.iNeso.teN: Tothee: gTehneesgmenaerskemdairnkgerdeeinn garreeecnoanrseidceornesdidteurmedortusmupoprrseuspsipvreesasnidveinanrdedinornecdoognencoicg.eTnhice. aTrhreowarsrowwitshwbirtohkbernoklienneslininedsiicnadteicathtee tdhieredctiiroenctsioannsdanlodcaloticoantisontoswtoawrdarwdhwichhicphapratirctuiclaurlacrecllesllsaraeremmoovviningg. .TThhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ffuullll nnaammeess aabbbbrreevviiaatteedd aarree lliisstteedd aass ffoolllloowwss:: TTMMEEss,, ttuummoorr mmiiccrrooeennvviirroonnmmeennttss;; EECCMM,, eexxttrraacceelllluullaarr mmaattrriixx;; mmiiccrroo,, mmiiccrroommeettaassttaassiiss;; mmaaccrroo,, mmaaccrroommeettaassttaassisis;;FFNN,, ffiibbrroonneeccttiinn;;BBMMDDCC,,bboonnee mmaarrrrooww ddeerriivveedd cceellllss;; TTNNFF,, ttuummoorr nneeccrroossiiss ffaaccttoorr ffaammiillyy,, ppttww,, ppaatthhwwaayy;; mmiigg,,mmiiggrraattiioonn;;ininvv,,iinnvvaassioionn

Tumor Progression
Circulating Tumor Cells
PS Emerges as a Potent Alternative Medicine
Induction of Autophagy
Regulation of miRNA Profiles
Inhibiting the Function of Growth Receptors
Affecting Epigenetic Pathway
Nonapoptotic Effects of PS against Cancer
Effects in Senescence Induction
Effects against EMT
Effects against Inflammation
Effects against Cell Migration and Invasion
Effects against Cancer Stemness
Effects against PolyFN Assembly on CTCs
Effects against the Diminished Circulating miR-17-92 Cluster
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Hepatocellular Melanoma and Myeloma Cancers
Colon Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer
Future Perspective
Potential Drug Packing and Delivery System for PS
FN-Targeting and PS Combined Therapy
PS-Enhanced Immunotherapy
PS Modification
Future Prospect of PS in Clinical Approach
Full Text
Paper version not known

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