
This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) in the mesiobuccal roots of root canal-treated maxillary molars. One thousand cone-beam computed tomography images of the teeth were examined by 2 dental specialists in oral radiology and endodontics. The internal anatomy of the roots, Vertucci's classification, quality of root canal treatment, and presence of missed canals were evaluated; additionally, the correlation between these variables and AP was ascertained. A total of 1,000 roots (692 first molars and 308 second molars) encompassing 1,549 canals were assessed, and the quality of the root canal filling in the majority (56.9%) of the canals was satisfactory. AP was observed in 54.4% of the teeth. A mesiolingual canal in the mesiobuccal root (MB2 canal) was observed in 54.9% of the images, and the majority (83.5%) of these canals were not filled. Significant associations were observed between the presence of an MB2 canal and the quality of the root canal filling and the presence of AP. AP was detected in more than half of the images. The MB2 canals were frequently missed or poorly filled.

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