
The root tip is composed of two parts, i.e. calyptra and root body. Calyptra consists of a distinct central columella and lateral part. Primary and secondary columellae are observed inMedicago truncatula, Melilotus alba, Trigonella caerulea, Trig. corniculata andTrig. foenum-graecum. The presence or absence of secondary columella also indicates the open or closed nature of the periblem and also the presence or absence of knee. Though the plerome, periblem and columella are formed from common initials or transversal meristem, rhizodermis and lateral part of the calyptra are developed from dermatocalyptrogen. Based on the arrangement of group of initials, the investigated species are delineated into two groups, one with common initials and the other with transversal meristem. The knee formation is the result of opening of periblem files into the calyptra.

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