
The paper is devoted to the investigation of the antiperiodic boundary value problem for an implicit nonlinear ordinary differential equation $$f(t,x,\dot x)=0, \quad x(0)+x(\tau)=0.$$ We assume that the mapping $f:\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^k$ defining the equation under consideration is smooth and satisfies the condition of uniform nondegeneracy of the first derivative $$ \inf \bigl\{ {\rm cov} f'_v (t,x,v):\, (t,x,v)\in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \bigr\}>0. $$ Here ${\rm cov} A$ is the Banach constant of the linear operator $A.$ The assumption of uniform non-degeneracy holds, in particular, for the mapping $f$ defining an explicit ordinary differential equation. For implicit equations, sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution to an antiperiodic boundary value problem are obtained, and estimates for solutions are found. Co\-ro\-l\-la\-ries for normal ordinary differential equations are formulated. To prove the main result, the original implicit equation is reduced to an explicit differential equation by applying a nonlocal implicit function theorem. Then we prove an auxiliary assertion on the solvability of the equation $x+\psi(x)=0,$ which is an analog of Brouwer's fixed point theorem. It is shown that the mapping $\psi,$ that assigns the value of the solution of the Cauchy problem at the point $\tau$ to an arbitrary initial point $x_0,$ is well defined and satisfies the assumptions of the auxiliary statement. This reasoning completes the proof of the existence of a solution to the boundary value problem.

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