
Improving economy and well-being in developing nations like India has expanded life expectancy and changed the attention from transmittable to non transmittable diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Tabebuia impetiginosa has been utilized by cultivators as a general tonic, immunostimulant, adaptogen and also in motor disorders. The present investigation was to explore the antiparkinsonian activity of Tabebuia impetiginosa bark by experimental methods. Control group-I was served with distilled water. Group-II was considered as pathological control [1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) 2mg/nostrils i.n, Reserpine 40mg/kg s.c, Haloperidol 0.5mg/kg, i.p]. Group-III served with standard drug (Apomorphine 40mg/kg, s.c). Group IV and V received aqueous extract of Tabebuia impetiginosa bark in doses of 300 and 500mg/kg/day respectively. Tremor, hypokinesia, muscular rigidity, catatonia, postural immobility, postural instability and catalepsy were assessed for antiparkinsonian activity. The bark extract served group exhibited the increased levels of dopamine (5700±1.84ng/g) when compared to control groups (4300±3.17ng/g). The extract at both the doses displayed a significant reduction in postural flexion, moderate decrease in tremor, muscular rigidity and postural immobility scores but do not exhibit significant lowering of hypokinesia score in reserpine induced Parkinsonian model. The reduction in catatonia and catalepsy scores is more remarkable in case of high dose of extract (500mg/kg) compared to standard drug in Neuroleptic induced Parkinsonism. The findings demonstrate that Tabebuia impetiginosa bark extract has significant anti-cataleptic potentials and the antioxidant effect of the bark may also be a significant contributor to its antiparkinsonian activity.

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