
The antioxidant activities of peel, pulp and seed fractions of 28 fruits commonly consumed in China were determined using the ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay (FRAP assay). The contribution of vitamin C to the antioxidant activity of fruit pulps was also calculated. The results showed that hawthorn pulp had the highest FRAP value among all fruit pulps and followed by date, guava, kiwifruit, purple mulberry, strawberry, white pomegranate, lukan and honey tangerine pulps and etc. Most of fruit peel and seed fractions were stronger than the pulp fractions in antioxidant activity based on their FRAP values. The contribution of vitamin C to the FRAP value of fruit pulps varied greatly from fruit to fruit as calculated. We concluded that peel and seed fractions of some fruits, such as pomegranate peel, grape seed, hawthorn peel, longan and lychee seeds possessed relatively high antioxidant activity and might be rich sources of natural antioxidants.

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