
Government Regulation a Substitute for laws (Perppu) is president right to regulate something in terms of compelling urgency. Perppu issued by the president must be immediately determined by the House of Representatives to be declared rejected or accepted. Article 24C Constitution of Republic Indonesia 1945 stipulates that authority of Constitutional Court is to only examine the law against Constitution of Republic Indonesia 1945, not the Perppu.
 However, Constitutional Court through decision No. 138/PUU-VII/ 2009 states that the Constitutional Court has authority to examine Perppu against Constitution of Republic Indonesia 1945. The Perppu made by president make a new of legal norms that give rise to new legal status, new legal relationships and new legal consequences. Constitutional Court interprets that norms contained in Perppu are as binding as norms in the law. In conducting tests, Constitutional Court does not distinguish between formal and material laws.

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