
The application of intracanal medicaments is essential to support root canal sterilization against intrusive bacteria, which can easily penetrate and remain survive in the dentinal tubules. Root canal medicament is expected to penetrate tubules and eradicate the bacteria, leading to prognosis improvement of endodontic treatment. There is an upcoming consideration on using natural substance as an alternative root canal medicament, due to the side effects potency of chemical-based medicament. Propolis and probiotics are two natural promising antimicrobial and health beneficial substance to consider. This study aims to evaluate antimicrobial capacity of probiotics and with propolis combination as potential medicaments against Enterococcus faecalis. Eighteen extracted human second premolars were sectioned 8 mm below the CEJ. The dentin blocks were then prepared under the similar dimensional standards. E. faecalis was used in the dentin blocks preconditioning incubation for 12h. The samples were classified into six groups (n = 3). Group 1: untreated; Group 2: Ca(OH)2; Group 3: Ca(OH)2 + probiotics; Group 4: Ca(OH)2 + 1% water-based propolis (WEP); Group 5: probiotics; and Group 6: 1% WEP + probiotics. The grinded dentin was collected and recultivated. The number of cultivated bacteria was further counted. The results showed that the CFU was significantly lower in all groups compared to the untreated, but not significantly different between groups. Although they were not significantly different, probiotics and combined treatments exhibited lower CFU than the sole Ca(OH)2.

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