
We report measurements of optical absorption in the zigzag antiferromagnet α-RuCl_{3} as a function of temperature T, magnetic field B, and photon energy ℏω in the range ∼0.3-8.3meV, using time-domain terahertz spectroscopy. Polarized measurements show that threefold rotational symmetry is broken in the honeycomb plane from 2 to 300K. We find a sharp absorption peak at 2.56meV upon cooling below the Néel temperature of 7K at B=0 that we identify as the magnetic-dipole excitation of a zero-wave-vector magnon, or antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR). With the application of B, the AFMR broadens and shifts to a lower frequency as long-range magnetic order is lost in a manner consistent with transitioning to a spin-disordered phase. From a direct, internally calibrated measurement of the AFMR spectral weight, we place an upper bound on the contribution to the dc susceptibility from a magnetic excitation continuum.

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