
Lesion evidence suggests that the superior colliculus is essential for mediating the anticonvulsant properties of nigral suppression in the electroshock model of epilepsy. However, our companion paper [Redgrave et al. (1991) Neuroscience 46, 379–390] established that the region of dorsal midbrain where bicuculline was most effective in suppressing tonic hindlimb extension did not correspond well with the known distribution of nigrotectal terminals. The purpose of the present anatomical study was, therefore, to investigate in more detail ventral midbrain connections to the dorsal midbrain anticonvulsant zone in rat. Small injections (10–20 nl) of a 1% solution of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase were made specifically into the region of dorsal midbrain where bicuculline was maximally effective. Numerous retrogradely labelled cells were found in substantia nigra pars lateralis and adjacent peripeduncular area but not in substantia nigra pars reticulata. Retrogradely labelled cells were also located in ventral zona incerta. When wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase injections were made into lateral substantia nigra, a region of anterogradely transported reaction product characteristic of nerve terminals was observed in the caudolateral deep layers and underlying reticular tissue; this area corresponded well to the dorsal midbrain anticonvulsant zone. These data suggest that, in the electroshock model of epilepsy, direct connections between substantia nigra pars lateralis and adjacent peripeduncular area and the dorsal midbrain anticonvulsant zone could be critical for mediating the anticonvulsant properties previously attributed to substantia nigra pars reticulata. During the course of this study, anterograde projections from substantia nigra pars lateralis and adjacent peripeduncular area to both superficial and intermediate layers of the ipsilateral superior colliculus were noted. Additional experiments using retrograde transport of the fluorescent tracer Fast Blue confirmed these projections.

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