
The active-site dynamics of apo CphA beta-lactamase from Aeromonas hydropila and its complex with a beta-lactam antibiotic molecule (biapenem) are simulated using a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) method and density functional theory (DFT). The quantum region in the QM/MM simulations, which includes the Zn(II) ion and its ligands, the antibiotic molecule, the catalytic water, and an active-site histidine residue, was treated using the self-consistent charge density functional tight binding (SCC-DFTB) model. Biapenem is docked at the active site unambiguously, based on a recent X-ray structure of an enzyme-intermediate complex. The substrate is found to form the fourth ligand of the zinc ion with its 3-carboxylate oxygen and to hydrogen bond with several active-site residues. The stability of the metal-ligand bonds and the hydrogen-bond network is confirmed by 500 ps molecular dynamics simulations of both the apo enzyme and the substrate-enzyme complex. The structure and dynamics of the substrate-enzyme complex provide valuable insights into the mode of catalysis in such enzymes that is central to the bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.

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