
Tests for antibiosis and antixenosis resistance to Rhopalosiphum padi L., the bird cherry-oat aphid, were conducted among four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and eight triticale (XTriticosecale Wittmack) accessions. Tests for antibiosis included measuring R. padi-population growth over 13 days, number of days to reproduction of individual R. padi, and number of aphid progeny produced in the first 7 days of adulthood. Antixenosis was measured in no-choice nymphiposition tests and in choice tests of host selection by winged R. padi. Three of seven triticale accessions limited R. padi populations relative to control accessions. Lower R. padi-population growth on N1185 and Okto Derzhavina could be explained partially by increased developmental times. Lower R. padi-population growth on triticale accessions N1185, N1186 and Okto Derzhavina could be explained at least partially by fewer aphid progeny on these accessions. Developmental time of R. padi on N1185 and Okto Derzhavina was greater than that on Stniism 3 triticale, identified previously as resistant to R. padi. There were less R. padi progeny on N1185 than on Stniism 3, and comparable numbers of R. padi progeny among N1186, Okto Derzhavina, and Stniism 3. None of the accessions limited nymphiposition by R. padi. Choice tests revealed heterogeneity in host selection by R. padi but an overall trend that triticale accessions Okto Derzhavina, N1185, N1186 and Stniism 3 were less preferred hosts than Arapahoe wheat. Relatively strong resistance in these triticale accessions warrant consideration of their future use in breeding programs for cereal-aphid resistance.

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