
Biogerontology—the study of the biological basis of ageing—is now a mature research field that could eventually offer effective applications to ease the burden of old age. Unlike other research fields that focus predominantly on producing information, a central characteristic of biogerontology is that it searches for means of preventing the onset of age‐related diseases and improving quality of life in old age. Biogerontologists have already produced a large body of descriptive and mechanistic data that allows them to define some general principles of ageing. Although their accumulated research has not yet uncovered any universal markers of ageing, the principles that have been derived could lead to the development of practical and effective anti‐ageing strategies based on rational approaches. ![][1] First, the ‘life‐history principle’ describes ageing as an emergent phenomenon that takes place primarily in protected environments, and which allows survival beyond the natural lifespan that would occur in the wild. By contrast, the natural lifespan of a species, also termed the ‘essential lifespan’ (ELS; Rattan, 2000) or ‘warranty period’ (Carnes et al , 2003), is the time required to fulfil the Darwinian purpose of life; that is, successful reproduction. Species that undergo fast maturation and have an early onset of reproduction with high reproductive potential generally have a short ELS, whereas slow maturation with late onset and low potential is concurrent with a long ELS. For example, the ELS for Drosophila is less than a week but that for Homo sapiens is about 50 years, even though both species can and do live for much longer periods in protected laboratory environments and modern societies, respectively. Consequently, the period of extended survival beyond the ELS is defined as the period of ageing. Second, the ‘non‐genetic principle’ asserts that there is neither a genetic cause for, nor a programme that controls, the ageing process. … [1]: /embed/graphic-1.gif

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