
The article investigates that the historical and pedagogical aspect of the study of foreign languages in higher education institutions of the maritime profile in the 70s of the XX - early XXI century was not the subject of a separate analysis in pedagogical science. It was found that the insufficient level of elaboration of this issue necessitated the clarification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus. It is concluded that most of the terms related to the trends of learning foreign languages in maritime higher education institutions have been scientifically substantiated by both Ukrainian and foreign scholars, but the historical course of events has been accompanied by constant updating of definitions of basic concepts. Based on the analysis of scientific works, the training of future specialists in the maritime industry is interpreted as a specially organized process of forming the readiness of future specialists in the maritime industry to perform production tasks for fleet operation, vessel traffic management and navigation safety. The study of a foreign language in higher education institutions of the maritime profile is a process of acquiring competencies during purposeful educational-cognitive and foreign-language communicative activity, which determines the effective conduct of professional activity. A systematic analysis of scientific literature, historical sources showed that the development of foreign language training of future specialists in the maritime sector was influenced by a number of factors: socio - economic (focus on labor market needs, integration into the international space, scientific and technological progress); educational (updating legal documents in the field of education, standardization of the content of training, development of methods of forming professionally oriented speech); branch (modernization of the equipment of sea vessels, expansion of production functions of experts of sea branch, internationalization of structure of crew of vessels). As a result of elaboration of historical and pedagogical investigations it was revealed that a number of studies substantiate the periods (stages) of formation, functioning and development of maritime education in Ukraine.

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