
With the aim of avoiding cumbersome sample treatment, we present a device for the introduction of solid soil samples into AAS-flames for gold determination, as well as the proposition of earth from anthills as a gold occurrence indicator. A previous ground sample of anthill earth (0.50 mg) was weighed directly into a small recipient of polyethylene which was then connected to a sampling boronsilicate glass chamber. The sample was carried by an airflow (5 L min−1) to a quartz cell positioned between the burner top and the optical beam. The generated atomic vapor produced a transient signal which was totally integrated in three seconds. The performance was compared with conventional flame atomic absorption spectrometry after proper sample digestion. No significant differences were observed between both procedures (mean deviation ±1.90%), and a LOQ of 0.03 µg Au was achieved using the proposed method. The anthill earth was found to be very suitable for indication of gold occurrence in soils and related materials.

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