
Anther morphology of various species of the genus Triticum is consistent with previous evidence that different biotypes of T. boeoticum (AA) and T. urartu (BB) contributed the respective A and B genomes to the emmer (AeAeBeBe) and timopheevi (AtAtBtBt) tetraploid complexes. Anther length of T. dicoccoides (2.8 mm) and T. araraticum (3.0 mm) is mid‐way between that of T. boeoticum (3.6) and T. urartu (2.2) and the same as that of the sterile hybrid T. boeoticum X T. urartu. With respect to mode of dehiscence, post anthesis reflexion of anther lobes and twisting of the anthers, T. dicoccoides resembles T. boeoticum, whereas T. araraticum resembles T. urartu. With respect to anther apex, T. dicoccoides resembles neither T. boeoticum nor T. urartu but is identical with their F1 hybrid. Among amphiploids involving four different Aegilops species and T. boeoticum lines, none could similarly account for the length or other diagnostic attributes of the tetraploid anthers. Anther morphology is consistent with the presumed genomic composition of the cultivated tetraploid and hexaploid wheats and seems to distinguish effectively the different genomic groups of the genus Triticum.

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