
This article is based on realistic works of short genre forms by Ukrainianwriter O. Kobylianska and Turkish writer S. Kodzhahioz. It focuses on theantheism topic as parallel reflections of self-comprehension of the two nationswith different cultural backgrounds. The attempt of comparative analysis ofnovellas «In the Fields» by O. Kobylianska and «The Hillock» byS. Kodzhahioz has been made.The long existence of a human in a certain environment contributes to theemergence of corresponding consciousness modes, perception andapprehension of the reality that are also subsequently transmitted to works offiction created by such an individual. These existentials, which are typical for acertain nation, become apparent in literary works. Their analysis in thecomparative aspect permits to observe common signs in the mentality ofnational communities which have different historical, spiritual and religiouspaths of development. Antheistic themes thoroughly permeate the novellas ―In the Fields‖ byO. Kobylianska and ―The Hillock‖ by S. Kodzhahioz and confirm thedominance of an idea about the intrinsic unity between a human being and thenature in Ukrainian and Turkish realistic prose.When comparing the novellas by O. Kobylianska and S. Kodzhahioz,except for similar subjects and partially akin outlooks on the rural living, onecan also find differences. Primarily, they appear in the author‘s viewpoint. Theviewpoint of O. Kobylianska is somewhat idealistic. Peasants in the novella «Inthe fields» are deprived of critical attitude towards the reality, whereas theprotagonist of the novella «The Hillock» by S. Kodzhahioz has an obviouscritical basis, although it remains unfulfilled. A common thing is also that theearth, both in a practical and spiritual sense, manifests itself as the nourishingmother in the consciousness of a Ukrainian and Turkish peasant. The naturalworld, where an individual is created and fulfills himself, as well as the nationalculture does, forms the image of a special ethnic community with its peculiarcharacter features and the specific nature of consciousness. That is why thepresence of antheistic intensions was observed by the realist writersO. Kobylianska and S. Kodzhahioz in characteristic manifestations of bothUkrainian and Turkish spiritual insight for the traditional attitude towards theearth. They perceive it not just as terrains but rather as a great patrimonial orsocial value. The problematisation of bonding with the earth in its frontieraspects creates the sociocultural context of a worldview. The nationalapprehension of the reality, which is scrupulously expressed in the literature,reflects the self-comprehension of nations, their feeling and understanding oftheir ethnical identity. This phenomenon is an interesting matter for furtherinvestigations.

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