
AbstractThis meta‐analysis examines whether the relationships between organizational commitment (OC) and its antecedents differ across occupational groups. Two models representing different antecedents are proposed: the member model, presented by the personal variables, and the organization model, presented by role related, structural and work experiences variables. The study is based on 98 samples with correlational data for the relationships between OC and its antecedents. The total sample was divided into two main occupational groups: white collar employees, subdivided into professionals and nonprofessionals, and blue collar employees. The findings reveal that in general the relationship between OC and personal antecedents, representing the member model, is stronger for blue collar and nonprofessional white collar employees than for professional employees. For the role‐related, structural, and work experiences antecedents, representing the organization model, differences among the occupational groups were found to be less consistent. In general, the findings demonstrate that the member and the organization model operate differently for varying occupational groups. The findings are discussed in terms of the need for elaboration of the existing explanations for the development of OC.

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