
Along the Victoria Land Coast, the population structure of the Antarctic scallop (Adamussium colbecki) was studied in McMurdo Sound (New Harbor), Terra Nova Bay, and Wood Bay, on a latitudinal span of 3 degrees. At a large spatial scale, most relevant differences between the scallop populations are linked to their depth distributions. The McMurdo and Wood Bay populations show a shallower bathymetric distribution with maximum abundance between 5 and 15 m depth. In contrast, inside Terra Nova Bay, at sites with similar near-shore bathymetric profiles, the maximum biomass is found between 40 and 70 m. This difference can be related to the different ice-cover persistency characterising these two areas, being less at Terra Nova Bay than in the other localities. Differences arise also in the reproductive period: at McMurdo, it seems to occur early in the austral spring, while at Terra Nova Bay, mature females are observed at the beginning of February. Also at a small scale, in sites only a few miles from each other, the population structures inside Terra Nova Bay and Wood Bay vary in terms of abundance and size frequency distribution, suggesting various environmental and biological constraints. Among environmental factors, bottom features (slope, sediment grain size, organic content) and water-column food supply during the summer months may be considered. In addition, as Adamussium is preyed upon by starfishes and fishes, its abundance and population structure may be affected by predators and their abundance.

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