
OZET : Bu arastirma, Antalya ilinin 6 farkli ilcesindeki dogal meralarda botanik kompozisyonu saptamak amaciyla yurutulmustur. Olcumler modifiye edilmis tekerlekli nokta metoduyla yapilmistir. Vejetasyon doneminde toplam 21 durakta 176 farkli tur tespit edilmistir. Tespit edilen turlerin 34 adedi bugdaygil, 39 adedi baklagil ve 103 adedi diger familyalara ait turlerden olusmaktadir. Bitki ortusunu olusturan turlerin % 19.3’u bugdaygil, % 22.1’i baklagil, % 58.5’i ise diger familya turlerinden olusmaktadir. Incelenen meralarda bitki ile kaplilik oraninin % 71.9 ile % 95.1 arasinda degistigi saptanmistir. Incelenen mera alanlarinin mera durum sinifinin zayif ve orta ayrica mera sagligi sinifinin ise saglikli oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mera, Tekerlekli nokta metodu, Botanik Kompozisyon, Determination of the Botanical Composition of Some Rangeland in Antalya Province ABSTRACT : This research was conducted to determine botanical compositions of the native rangelands in the six different district of Antalya Province. Vegetation of the rangeland was determined by the Modified Wheel Point Method. 176 plant species were determined at 21 locations in the vegetation period. Determined species consist of 34 grasses, 39 legumes and 103 other families. Determined species except bare ground and rocky areas, consist of 19.3% grasses, 22.1 % legumes and 58.5 % other family plants. It was observed that the rate of plant-covered area varies between 71.9 % and 95.1 % in the rangelands. It was determined that the rangeland condition class was “Poor” and “Fair” and also health class was healthy. Key Words: Rangeland, Wheel point method, Botanical composition, Rangeland condition and health

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