
Glow discharge plasma (GDP) supplied to an anode (GDP+) promotes calcium phosphate adsorption onto titanium better than that supplied to a cathode (GDP-). However, the adsorption of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is crucial for cell adhesion to titanium. Since GDP+ induced both inorganic adsorption and cell adhesion, we hypothesized that the inorganic adsorption in a culture medium might affect the adsorption of the ECM proteins. In this study, ECM proteins adsorbed on titanium with and without GDP were examined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. After 1 hr of incubation, increasing sodium adsorption on GDP+ specimens induced adsorption of ECM proteins as shown by NH(+) and COO(-) signals without calcium adsorption. In contrast, since no specific adsorption of sodium on GDP-specimens was detected, GDP-did not contribute to the adsorption of ECM proteins. Thus, promotion of sodium adsorption of GDP+ was effective, at least in the initial ECM protein adsorption on a titanium surface.

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