
SUMMARY Late Volumetric Analysis After Implantation ofSirolimus- Versus Biolimus A9-eluting Stents Introduction: Sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) significantly re-duce restenosis and major adverse cardiac events (MACE)compared to bare metal stents (BMS). The novel sirolimusanalog, Biolimus A9T (BA9), presented similar safety andefficacy in the randomized, controlled STEALTH I trial.This study compared the efficacy of a BA9-eluting stentversus sirolimus-eluting and bare metal control stents. Me-thods: Forty-five patients with de novo coronary lesionswere randomly assigned in a 2:1 basis to receive eitherBA9-eluting (n = 30) or bare metal (n=15) S-stents. Quan-titative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravascularultrasound (IVUS), at 6 months, were then compared to amatched series of patients who received either sirolimus-eluting (n = 30) or bare metal (n = 15) Bx Velocity stents.Baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics weresimilar among all groups, except for a significantly higherpercentage of females and Class C lesions in the BA9-eluting stent group.

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